Sunday, January 7, 2024

#52 Ancestors 2024 Week 3 Favorite Photo: Grammie's Heirloom Photo


This photo op took place in 2014 when my grandchildren were all under the age of three. It remains one of my favorites, my first picture with all four of my grandchildren. 

As everyone who knows me is aware, I have four grandchildren, all, in my completely unbiased opinion, totally adorable. Two of them were born within a few months of each other in 2011 and 2012, one in Maryland and one in Florida.  The other two were born within a few months of each other in 2014, again, one in Maryland and one in Florida. 

So, I did not have many opportunities to see all four of them together at the same time, and when the Florida family came to visit in Maryland, I was determined to take advantage of the opportunity to get a photo with all four of my grandchildren.

Not an easy task to get four children under the age of three to hold still long enough, look at the camera, and not cry! 

At least I could hold the two lap babies, although sometimes it was a struggle to keep them on my lap. They were wigglers. With sufficient antics from their parents, they would eventually look at the camera, although Emily seemed much more fascinated with something in the far-right corner of the room. 
But the older two (aged not quite two and two-and-a-half) required considerably more coaxing by way of snacks, bribes, and praise to get their participation. 

Finally, three down. 

Anna reluctantly agreed only if she could sit in her Mommy's lap. 
So, here is the heirloom picture at last with Emily, Harper, Henry and Anna all together for the first time.  I hope they appreciate this someday!  It definitely holds a treasured place in Grammie's scrapbook. 

1 comment:

  1. I love your illustrated story! Wrangling grand babies for a group photo sounds like quite the adventure!
