Monday, July 23, 2018

#52 Ancestors Week 8: Heirloom: Grandma Summers' Wine Glasses

#52 Ancestors Week 8: Grandma Summers' Heirloom Wine Glasses

When I got married in 1971, my grandmother, Theresa Evalina Sasscer Summers, gave me some wine glasses which had been handed down in the family for several generations.  It is a gift I still cherish to this day and that I hope one day to pass along to my grandchildren.

The first set of glasses came from the Summers family.

 My grandmother (God bless her sense of family history) also included a note with the wine glasses to tell me where they came from.  

So, I know that these glasses belonged to my great-grandmother Regina Ann Hill, for whom, I am named. (See more about her in my blog from 6 June 2018.)  Perhaps that is why Ma Summers chose to give these glasses to me.  John Kostka Summers and Regina Ann Hill were married in 1878.  If these glasses were a wedding gift, they would be approaching 150 years old.  And they are almost certainly more than 100 years old.

The second set of glasses came from the Sasscer family, my grandmother's parents.

Again, my grandmother thoughtfully provided a note with some history of the glasses.

Dama mentioned in this note was my grandmother's mother, Theresa Evalina Wallis Sasscer. (See more about her in my blog from January 2018.) They were in the Sasscer family sometime before 1894 when Eva married Thomas Reverdy Sasscer.  So, again, they are well over 100 years old.

I enjoy a glass of wine every once in a while using my grandmother's wine glasses.  When I do,  I raise a toast to my grandmothers who cherished these.

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