Saturday, May 18, 2024

#52 Ancestors 2024 Week 26 Family Gathering: The Three Uncles

 This photo of my three brothers with their first nephews (my sons Matt and James) is one of my favorite family gatherings. 

When my sons were born in 1973, they were the first of a long line of grandchildren for my parents.  And of course, the first in a long line of nieces and nephews for my younger brothers. And since they were twins, there was an extra special attraction.  Everybody wanted to hold the babies. So we captured this treasured photo with Uncle Phil (in the back), Uncle Rob (on the right), and Uncle Dave (on the left), looking quite pleased with themselves in their new roles as uncles.  

Now, Rob and Dave went on to have 20 children between them, so I like to think that their training as uncles went a long way toward preparing them for exemplary fatherhood.

Many years later, we were able to stage a re-enactment of this classic picture, also a treasured family memory. 

Same room, same sofa (different slipcover), same characters. I think Dave is even trying to recreate his expression. And the boys are trying to recreate their positions as best they can, given the changes in their size. 

Even though my siblings eventually had a total of 30 nieces and nephews and more than 40 great-nieces and nephews (and counting) among them, you know you never forget your first!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful story, Ann.Didnt know you did family research.
